Thursday, April 5, 2007

Driving my Car

Life from the perspective of a Driver -:

I 'm the “driver”... driving the car of my life. ... thru the lanes of my Life!!! A peek into the innumerable nuances, Life offers…..

In the beginning, my Car was fuelled into this world; I didn’t know how to drive and where to drive. I was taken on a drive, and taught the basics of driving, the so called rules of driving my car. I didn’t like the rules…. I’m forced to follow it, for there are others too driving theirs...
I got a license… and soon I’m driving on my own…. On my way….

Here is my driving experience..

I find myself…driving on “one- ways”… it’s the low risk drive... for I never bang/get banged head on !!!... no one blinds me with High-beams…no one flashes their headlights on my face. I just follow the stream of traffic….like a floating log... carried way by the current…I’m not excited about it…

I find myself stuck in traffic…stagnant…nowhere to move…nowhere to take a turn and get away…completely trapped….I’m honked at and there is chaos…I see deserted bye lanes where I can avoid the traffic...But I’m not sure where it leads…I’m not ready to take the risk of driving the unknown lanes..Im scared where I will end up…I worry what other drivers will think of me....So I suffocate in the din…But I have to keep myself calm....I take refuge in what I like and idle my time off… I pump-up the volume of the soothing music and try to relax… for I wait and hope the traffic will clear and I will drive away.

I find myself at empty cross-roads… the kind that doesn’t have any pointers…But I need to drive on. I do not know where I will reach… but still I have to …I need to take a chance, a choice… and keep driving…there is no other go… and I don’t have the choice of stopping, for this is a continuous drive… a drive that will end only when I’m out of fuel.. And if I stop…I will be left behind... all alone…

I find myself driving on… now that I am driving… I have to drive well and let others drive too…mebbe I can help others on their driving… but it’s absolutely not in my control.…mine and their cars are a different make altogether..…but still I feel I have to drive well… that’s all I know and I shud…
I have to be careful too… for the lane is not my own… there are a lot others driving, ahead of me, behind me, besides me, and the ones driving past me… I might get bumped from behind.. the car ahead of me might make a sudden halt… the one driving beside me might push me off the lane… and the one driving past me might suddenly get in my way…I need to be alert and awake… for its my car and I have to take care of the dents... on my own…

I pick up people on the way… some get down on the way …some drive on…and some I intentionally drop on the way-the incompatible ones… its fun to drive with people who drive the way I drive…

I drive on…I enjoy the beauty of the country roads… the drive by the lake side… the meandering roads that wind up the hill… the hair pins…a drive into the jungle roads…It refreshes my mind…it eases my tensions…I enjoy it..

I find myself…. driving on highways and free ways, its really thrilling and exhilarating. The adrenaline pumping…I feel like I am flying. The best of my driving experiences. I wish all the roads I drive were highways n freeways…No restrictions… drive the way I enjoy the most…High speed…No stopping…no one crossing annoyingly before me.. no honking at my back….Easy n smooth ….

This way …I drive on…
I realize… the roads becoming unclear….my car wearing out…. my fuel levels dropping… my tire deflating…. I stop. I look back. I take stock of how I drove. How I let others drive…I cherish the good experiences… I repent the bad ones…I know my car is about to halt….. I’m done with my driving..

So I park.… Park my car into oblivion….

Me and My car ceases to exist

May My Car Park In Peace!!!!!

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