Thursday, April 19, 2007

Oh Shit !!!

How often do we use this 4 letter word, when desperate...when in anger..when in joy.. ….Infact... it just suits aptly for a hell lot of moods..

Ever wondered how it came???...
A Google search on SHIT revealed this interesting story behind it.

As the story goes, this word can be traced back to merchant vessels of the 17th century which used to ship bales of Dry manure from one port to another in their holds.If the bales were stored low enough, they would come into contact with water that inevitably leaked into the bilge. The water would then cause the manure to decompose, creating methane gas as well as a rather bad odor. The unlucky sailor sent to investigate the smell would of course take with him a candle or lantern to light the dark area below deck. The open flame would ignite the methane/air mixture in the confined space, causing a massive explosion and sinking the ship. When the cause of these strange accidents was discovered, bales of manure to be transported by ship were marked "Store High In Transit" or "Ship High In Transit" to remind those loading them to keep them above the bilge water. This was eventually shortened to "S.H.I.T."

Quite a shitty piece of Information :-)

I posted this blog successfully and, (I must also add that I wrote and published this from my Office PC :-) ) and I proceed to see how my “work” is from my blog home page. I expectantly clicked on the Link “Oh Shit” and SHIT…unexpectedly a window popped up….
it stated

"The url
falls under a restricted category.

If you think this is an error, please log a call in with the above information "
"IT Management Group
Your friendly IT Manager"

I do not want to say how I felt :-(((

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