Monday, April 9, 2007

You Name Him!!!!

Before I begin…All characters you encounter here are fictitious. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental….!!!!!

What would you call a person, who gives a wrong account no, for his salary account? Hey hold on… your right to christen this person, a bit more, for I’m sure you will want to rechristen him when I tell you this. Doesn’t matter how bad your vocab is… you will want to; take the trouble to, even “GOOGLE” to find an apt name for him... I can assure you, your efforts won’t be in vain, for he deserves it. He even confirmed this wrong account to be the right one, “The One”, to which all his hard earned money would be credited!!!!

He didn’t even realize it, till the time for salary credit came. On the last working day, like every other person, he too got a mail from the salary department, rather a online salary slip giving details of the Account holder, his “ACCOUNT NO”, and the credited amount. As the Last line it said “Your Salary for the Month has been Credited to the account no XXXXXXXXXX”
He glanced at the amount, just the amount and was satisfied, for this was his first “FULL” salary…the fruit of a months toil :-)

For two days, he forgot about the salary, for he was in no need of money…He is happily staying with his parents…So he generally don’t need any money :-)…One fine morning, suddenly (call it Sixth sense) a thought crossed his mind…just check your account….So he visited the ATM, during his lunch break…Swiped his card…recollected his PIN…pushed it in ..and did his Balance Enquiry…It showed. “00.00”… What the Heck... He cursed his Employer, He cursed his salary dept, He cursed the bank... How could they be so irresponsible with someone else’s money...He even did a lecture to his colleagues about how inefficient the whole system was…But he was interrupted by one of his colleagues, who apparently held an account with the same bank…He however had his salary credited the very same day it was disbursed….

I must tell you, though my friend is carelessness personified, he is sharp…Bells ring too soon in his head… and loud too!!!Mebbe that is what saves him every now and then. He smelled a rat…He ran back to his little den… (Corporate’s call it a bay…a cubicle...) he pulled out his runner…and unearthed his Bank Pass Book…He then logged into his online salary system (a pretty efficient one!!!)…and browsed to the “My Payroll/Bank”…. It vividly displayed his “Name”, the “Bank Name” and the “Account No”…. A glance into the Pass Book and back to the 15“TFT monitor (known and proven to be the best to avoid harmful radiations which affects your sight) …”Blinded him”…. It was (as he told me in his own words) “A lightning hitting my eyes and making its way thru my head…charring everything inside… Felt like nothing’s left inside”…

After a few minutes of numbness, thinking about his dumbness…he regained consciousness… He wondered...”How on earth did I unearth an Account No Like this”…
You know what, he actually got the last 3 digits of his account No: wrong…In his search for the “ROOT cause analysis” for how this no’s creeped in…. He couldn’t make any logical conclusions, for there is no way, not even a remote chance that he had mistyped (“Typo”) adjacent no’s to the actual ones… for there was no “Co-relation” between them.
Bells rang again…Loud…. loud and deafening ….And the truth dawned on him…Clear as daylight!!!

He held a second account with the same bank… The one all have to have for the reimbursement credits…And while updating his details on the online salary system database, he did the “Herculean”, the “humongous” (can’t find a word heavier than this in my vocab) blunder of scripting a new account no… the one which had its former part from the actual account and the latter part from the Reimbursement account…He could do nothing but laugh at his discovery…. Suddenly all his laugh was wiped away… another fear erupted…If the salary is actually credited to the wrong account as the mail from the salary department said…and if the person who holds the account refuses to pay back… what on earth will he do…he felt like the world spinning around him. His vision blurring….but soon he regained his consciousness…He realized... It’s time for action…He set out… for his mission. “Operation Salary salvage”

He ran to the Bank…. the bank was crowded…He somehow managed to locate the Branch manager’s cabin…He calmly made his way in…The manager had a huge log book in front of him and was completely lost in it…for it was the financial year ending…He was busy..

He was brought back from the book of numbers to the life of blunders... by an “Excuse me”. He raised his head to find a young man smiling at him… Here is the dialogue as it actually happened and as my friend told me...

Friend: “I have a small problem. Can you please help me?”
Manager:” Sorry, We are having the financail year end and I’m very busy rite now. Can you come after a week’s time?”
Friend: “Ayooo, its much more urgent than that…I cant wait for a week…Someone else might go with my money”
Manager:”ohhh… Really what’s the matter???”
Friend: “I made a mistake of giving a wrong account no for my salary account… and my salary has been credited to that account.”
Manager: “Oh…really!!! careless.. Ok let me see…“

The manager was a good man. My friend was lucky… He soon opened something on his computer and...
Manager:” Give me the account no which you gave wrong”
My friend showed his salary slip and soon the manager entered it into his computer…and came back smiling!!!

Manager: “Hey young man, you are lucky... that account no doesn’t exist… Now if you would kindly excuse me …. “

My friend heaved a sigh of relief…. He wanted to ask something more… But didn’t want to disturb him further…He thanked him and walked out…

He is lucky… he’s damn lucky….. As some one said… “Even if he stands right in the middle of a Highway, he won’t get run over…” (But don’t u think… he’s too smart… how cud one get run over… in the middle of a Highway… U always have medians... right in the middle :-) )

Now I leave it you… and I bet… you definitely would want to change the description u initially had thought/given when I said “What would you call a person, who gives a wrong account no, for his salary account?”… Isn’t it :-)

Foot note: - You won’t loose money so easily…With corporate transfers they always check the Account No against the Account Holders Name. and if it doesn’t match, it will get back to the originator.. So even if you make these kinds of mistakes... You still stand a good chance of getting back your money…
Else consider yourself Lucky… God Damn lucky!!!!! The one who got it was in “Real” need of it…and You got the best chance to help him out in his hour of need… :-)))))))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You've nice blog. Several persons these days don't know whether they're obtaining appropriate salary for their profession. To be clear one can check online salary comparison websites to know what other organizations provide for the same position. For instance to compare wage of an analyst one can just type analyst salary in a salary comparison website like