Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I am Back
Prelude:-This is a sequel to a discussion thread, with my friend J, i left halfway thru.......

I am Back
Agreed , what I am today is the result of the choices I made in the Past.That has just streamlined the array of choices I had left myself open with .It has not completely cut off the other options I gave up earlier to reach to this point of my life.Had I made a wrong choice and stuck on with it knowing that it is not what I really wanted, I can always go back and do what I wanted to.To do this I have to be courageous.I have to give up lifes psuedo riches which are the little crumbs of rewards I recieved for having taken up other peoples choices and kept going with the flow.I might have a car, I might have a heavy purse, a huge bank balance.To others i might look a successful being, but the real me knows this is not what I really wanted.But I satisfy myself by listening to others assessment of what I am. What a pity????.The problem is I look up to others , listen to others to know what I am, what I want, rather than aks my inner self, just because, it simply is a tad too tough to accomplish.What it says can completely leave me in disarray, it can completely shatter me.So why take a risk.?????As it happened, it is happening and it will happen in our material world , the elephant majority is just following the paths which some one had cleared, because it easy that way.The one who actually cut this path, really had toiled hard and soiled himself with contemp and humiliation, because he knew it was the right one for him and he cared a damn about what others had to say. But now that it has turned out to be succesful, no one remembers the blames he received, his sufferings, but just sits back and enjoys the fruits of his labour.I just cruise down this easy highway. Its easy that way!!!!.But If i dare look into myself, i can see a lesser mortal, easly satisfied with small liitle things like peace, harmony and self satisfaction,but I might not see material riches.Its not guaranteed,for i have to share what i have to makes others happy, to make myself happy.This to others is failure.Can't help it.So i conclude"You sometimes need to let go off the choices of the past so that you could have a wonderful future"

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