Friday, April 13, 2007

Problems… Problems ....More Problems!!!!!!

Someone tell me of anyone whom you know as the One who doesn’t have any problems….
Absolutely no one…!!!! Every one is plagued by problems….

As I believe it, The GOD created man and problems together (He created women too :-) ,but I’m not talking about that. )….So that, he who surmounts it….will live… and live well…

Ones problem isn’t/might not be a problem for another…It can very well be his solution!!

So as a far as an individual is concerned
All those problems that exist in this universe are of 2 types. Believe me. Just 2 types..!!!

1. The ones that can be solved ...
2. The ones that cannot be….

If you agree with me… just think about this…. And you will feel much better…

If you know that there is a problem, and if you know that you can solve it…then why worry about it????
If you know that there is a problem, and if you know that you can’t solve it…again…why worry about it????

1 comment:

a.g.j said...

very true!
Here's a quote that I like very much...and I guess is apt here...

"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can, and
the wisdom to know the difference."

Since I couldnt remember the exact words, I googled...and also found that the source is St Francis of Assissi.